Regatta Information
Regatta is the term used for boat racing events. These are usually one or two-day events that typically run from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on weekends in July and August. Regattas are well organized and exciting events, with most paddlers participating in several races over the course of the day. NBCC races in the Eastern Ontario Division (EOD) of the sport, typically hosting one regatta each year and attending several other regattas in the Ottawa area.
Many volunteers and hours of preparation are required to organize and run a successful regatta so parents from every club are required to volunteer at all of these events. Most regatta roles are straight forward so no previous experience is necessary but formal training is provided for a few positions that require knowledge of racing rules. See our Volunteer Opportunities page for more details.
In 2025, Sprint paddlers will have he opportunity to participate in the regattas listed below, depending their age. Note that experienced paddlers may also be attending Ontario and National Team trials which are not listed below but can be found on the EOD website at the link below.
Click here to see the full EOD Regatta Schedule.
For U10 Paddlers
U10 paddlers do not generally participate in out-of-town regattas unless invited to help complete a U12 team boat but they will be able to participate in local "fun" regattas during their regular training times from time to time over the summer.
For U12 paddlers
- Carleton Place Regatta - Sunday, July 20. Races will be for U12/U14 athletes with some U10 athletes included in team boats. This will be a fun regatta and the first of the summer for many athletes. Plan to arrive in Carleton Place on Saturday, July 19 and be at the Carleton Place Canoe Club at 7:00 AM on the 20th. Directions can be found here .
- EOD U12/U14 Championships – Saturday, August 9 in Carleton Place. This is a critical regatta because the top 8 finishers in the 12 and U14 age categories qualify for the Ontario Championships. Plan to arrive in Carleton Place on Friday, August 8 and be at the Carleton Place Canoe Club at 7:00 AM on the 9th. Directions can be found here.
- Ontario Championships – Sunday, August 17th at the Welland International Flatwater Centre. The top 8 U12 and U14 finishers in the Eastern and Western Ontario Division Championships will compete in A, B or C finals, with the top three in A and B finals receiving Ontario Championship medals. Some U10 athletes may also be asked to participate if they are members of a U12 or U14 crew boat that qualifies. Directions can be found here.
For U14 Paddlers:
- Carleton Place Regatta - Saturday, July 19. Races will be for U12/U14 athletes with some U10 athletes included in team boats. This will be a fun regatta and the first of the summer for many athletes. Plan to arrive in Carleton Place on Friday, July 18 and be at the Carleton Place Canoe Club at 7:00 AM on the 19th. Directions can be found here.
- U16+ Regatta, Sunday, July 13th at Rideau Canoe Club in Ottawa. Races will be for U16’s, some High Performance U14’s, Masters, Para athletes and Special Olympics athletes. Experienced U14 Athletes who have attended off-season training generally compete at this regatta to gain experience at a more strictly officiated regatta and understand how they compare to U16’s who are training to qualify for Nationals. Directions can be found here.
- U16+ EOD Qualifiers, July 26th – 27th at Rideau Canoe Club in Ottawa. This is a critical regatta U16+ regatta that High Performance U14’s typically attend to gain experience and potentially qualify for the CKC National Championships. The top three finishers in each race qualify for Nationals and although U14’s may not qualify in singles , often qualify in team boats. The top 8 finishers in each race also qualify for the Ontario Championships in U16 which gives qualifying U14’s a chance to race in both U16 and U14 races at Ontarios. Directions can be found here.
- EOD U12/U14 Championships – Saturday, August 9 in Carleton Place. This is a critical regatta because the top 15 finishers in the 12 and U14 age categories qualify for the Ontario Championships. Plan to arrive in Carleton Place on Friday, August 8th and be at the Carleton Place Canoe Club at 7:00 AM on the 9th. Directions can be found here.
- Ontario Championships – Sunday, August 17th at the Welland International Flatwater Centre. The top 15 U12 and U14 finishers in the Eastern and Western Ontario Division Championships will compete in A, B or C finals, with the top three in A and B finals receiving Ontario Championship medals. Some U10 athletes may also be asked to participate if they are members of a U12 or U14 crew boat that qualifies. Directions can be found here.
- CKC National Championships, August 26-30 on Wascana Lake in Regina, Saskatchewan. The top three U16, U18, Junior, Senior and Para categories qualifiers from each Sprint division in Canada will compete on the course where the World Championships were held last year. Some exceptional U14 athletes may also participate, typically as part of a U16 crew boat. Details about the location and accommodations can be found here.
- Fallapalloza, September 30th in Carleton Place. Fallapalloza is an all-day training camp in which U14 and some U12 athletes are grouped with athletes and coaches from other clubs for a variety of training and fitness testing activities. It’s a great way to make new friends and experience new ways of training in a non-competitive setting. Directions can be found here
For U16 and Older Paddlers:
- U16+ Regatta, Sunday, July 13th at Rideau Canoe Club in Ottawa. Races will be for U16’s, some High Performance U14’s, Masters, Para athletes and Special Olympics athletes. U16 and older athletes will see how they compare to other clubs' athletes in advance of the EOD Qualifiers the following week. Directions can be found here.
- U16+ EOD Qualifiers, July 26th – 27th at Rideau Canoe Club in Ottawa. This is a critical regatta U16+ regatta that High Performance U14’s typically attend to gain experience and potentially qualify for the CKC National Championships. The top three finishers in each race qualify for Nationals, and all U16+ also qualify for the Ontario Championships. Directions can be found here.
- Ontario Championships – Saturday day, August 16th at the Welland International Flatwater Centre. The top 15 U16/U18/Junior crew boats and all U16/U18/Junior singles in the Eastern and Western Ontario Division Championships will compete in A, B or C finals, with the top three in the A finals receiving Ontario Championship medals. Some U14 athletes may also be asked to participate. Directions can be found here.
- CKC National Championships, August 26-30 on Wascana Lake in Regina, Saskatchewan. The top three U16, U18, Junior, Senior and Para categories qualifiers from each Sprint division in Canada will compete on the course where the World Championships were held last year. Some exceptional U14 athletes may also participate, typically as part of a U16 crew boat. Details about the location and accommodations can be found here.